Browsing: International Studies
About this Item pp. x, 227. Footnotes. Index. List of Works Cited. Personalia. Black and white reproductions of historic documents.…
The history of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) doesn’t begin with the founding of what is now Cheney University in 1837,…
Not to mention the Tribal College Program and HSACUs To those who read the subtitle and had no clue what…
Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Max Planck Society, Germany invites online application for…
About The Author Jerry Mitchell has been a reporter in Mississippi since 1986. A winner of more than 30 national…
Student says he has been pressured to remove a reference to Antoinette Sandbach, a descendant of a slave merchant The…
A Gerald Horne Reader GERALD HORNE Edited by TIONNE ALLIYAH PARRIS “A tour de force of historical excavation.”…
The fundamental aim of the text below is to deal with the concept and models of global security as one…
Seeking news coverage about the Adriana, the boat crowded with some 700 people migrating to Europe to seek a better life…
Developed countries must take responsibility for the climate crisis they initiated by paying reparations to developing countries, writes Tapti Sen. There’s…