Prof. Dr. Bischara Ali Egal

izarre developments have been unfolding over the last few weeks. An attack plan is being implemented from all corners, both within Turkey and from abroad. A horrific, vengeful attack is systematically being escalated. An “organized” operation, which transcends political practices, pursuits, competition, election preparations, and political culture, is being carried out on a broad spectrum. The political terror process has kicked off. They’re attacking Turkey’s foundation Turkey’s political history has never before witnessed such a period, such “destructive” cooperation. Political discourse had never taken such a horrific shape, even during coups or extraordinary periods. All of the state and…

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We are closely monitoring Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visits to Angola, Nigeria, and Togo. I have three fronts, as well as a litany of other matters, plaguing my mind. One of these is Turkey’s efforts to delineate its roadmap in Africa. It includes a country’s jubilant return to the 21st century between “far fronts and far goals.” I have on the brain the relentless struggle Turkey has been putting up for years, especially in the last two decades, against the plans aimed at besieging it and suffocating it in Anatolia. Three gates: They closed them, we re-opened them…

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rom the very beginning, Ankara’s motto has been: Every security issue on the north of the Aleppo-Mosul line is Turkey’s business. There should be no terrorist organization, no foreign country deployed on this zone, which spans the Iranian border and the Mediterranean. The presence of either one is a primary and imminent threat to Turkey. Map projects made to alter countries’ borders were ongoing through this zone on the day the Syrian civil war started. Everyone adopted a stance according to the intensity of the war, slaughters, and destruction. Yet, the real matter was not the freedom and will of…

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s words, “We have come to the end of the concept that the West is superior. A new international system is forming. The West’s hegemony is over,” is the most powerful statement emanating from these lands out into the world. The summary of centuries and all the codes of the past and the future lie in this evaluation, and in the strength and courage to articulate this. If the history-making, region-building mind is able to make this powerful breakthrough in the first quarter of the 21st century, it signifies the achievement of great goals. Empires…

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s slogan, “The world is bigger than five,” which he repeated at the 76th UN General Assembly, is a stronger-than-ever definition of today’s world. Erdoğan reiterating this statement at a time the “global state of emergency” wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic is coming to an end but its geopolitical results are only recently starting to emerge, is a warning to the whole world, as well as a foreshadowing of the future. The Western order’s power domains are being divided. Allies are on red alert  All of the Western order’s power domains are dividing. The unilateral global…

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Introduction-Ideological  and Philosophical  Background: “Aristotle used the term oligarchia to designate the rule of the few when it was exercised not by the best but by bad men unjustly. In this sense, oligarchy is a debased form of aristocracy, which denotes government by the few in which power is vested in the best individuals. Most classic oligarchies have resulted when governing elites were recruited exclusively from a ruling caste a hereditary social grouping that is set apart from the rest of society by religion, kinship, economic status, prestige, or even Clan(tribe). Such elites tend to exercise power in the interests…

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The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation supports large-scale industrial farming. In classic neocolonialist style the Gates Foundation shifts property ownership from Africans, into the hands of big Western corps. In the last 17 years the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has spent nearly US$6 billion in their quest to “improve agriculture” in Africa. For an underfunded sector you can pretty much call them the royalty of African agriculture. Research was published by GRAIN, a small international non-profit organisation that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems. They have uncovered…

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Republican People’s Party (CHP) Deputy Ünal Çeviköz says, “The Blue Homeland facilitates the Justice and Development Party [AK Party] administration’s militarization of foreign policy.” He claims this is because it covers an area beyond sovereignty rights. He says, “If you consider an area that runs along 200 kilometers as Blue Homeland your own area, you will present an aggressive and expansionist image.” He calls Turkey imperialist, expansionist, and aggressive. Against whom? Now let us stop there. This CHP deputy is speaking from the position of those who are disturbed by the way Turkey defends itself, and from its rise to…

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تتبادل كل من مصر والسودان مع إثيوبيا اتهامات بالمسؤولية عن تعثر مفاوضات بشأن السد، يرعاها الاتحاد الأفريقي منذ شهور، ضمن مسار تفاوضي بدأ قبل نحو 10 سنوات. أعلن الرئيس المصري عبد الفتاح السيسي، أمس الإثنين، أنه وجد “تفاهما مشتركا” مع رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي نفتالى بينيت حول السد النهضة الإثيوبي، وهو محل خلاف بين أديس أبابا وكل من القاهرة والخرطوم. جاء ذلك في تصريح متلفز للسيسي نقلته صفحة الرئاسة في “فيسبوك” على هامش أول لقاء مع بينيت، في مدينة شرم الشيخ شمال شرقي مصر، ضمن أول زيارة لرئيس حكومة إسرائيلية منذ 10 سنوات. وأضاف السيسي أنه تحدث مع بينيت بـ “صراحة…

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